Psychotherapy and psychological counseling

Martin Dlabal
I am a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, i.e. I have completed a long-term internship in health care concluding with an attestation exam and I am qualified to perform psychotherapy and diagnostics even for clients whose difficulties affect their health.
Psychotherapy is a therapeutic action by psychological means of eliminating or alleviating the client's problems and, if possible, eliminating the causes of these problems.
Psychological counselling directs the client to self-help in overcoming life's difficulties, coping with mental problems and developing their own abilities and skills.
Couple and family psychotherapy addresses the individual issues of each of the participating clients; it further focuses on their mutual communication and relationships.

A conversation about hypnosis with a brief demonstration of hypnotization
An interview about hypnosis with a short demonstration in the program Alone at Home
What to expect
Offered services
Support in coping with difficult life situations
Psychotherapy (for/in people with) psychosomatic diseases, anxiety and depressive mood swings
Management of adverse conditions, e.g. insomnia, pain and eating disorders
Addiction treatment
Therapy for partnerships or family relationships
Professional coaching and supervision

Mental disorders in childhood
2020, Faculty of Education, JE Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, Department of Psychology

2018, Hatlova B., Dlabal M., Loukova T., Wedlichova I.
Czech and Slovak Psychiatry, 114 (6): 253–259